Birkby Rose Hill
Cricket Club
Birkby Rose Hill Cricket Club is posed with a very unique challenge. It is located in an affluent area of Birkby surrounded by a primarily white population however it’s membership is exclusively formed of an asian ethnicity. Within the catchment area, there is also a large community of BME minorities but the two very distinct communities have little engagement.
Secondly, the club has actively promoted youth development within the club. Many of the young players are coached and build their foundations at BRHCC, but then have to leave the club due to lack of funding or opportunities. There have been examples of young players who have built their foundations at BRHCC and gone on to play within the Yorkshire Pathways Program.
Sept 2016 – Sept 2017
Eshaki Foundation and BRHCC have focused their efforts on conducting a review of the organisational structures of the youth development programmes in place and creating a go-forward plan for the 2017/18 winter training sessions.
We have also developed a new community communication strategy including a revamping of the club website, and an overhaul of the committee structure.
Irrespective of the above outcomes, the project fell short of our expectations as we had hoped to build and execute a complete youth development program in the timeframe. Eshaki Foundation has reveiwed its engagement with BRHCC and will look to ensure that we learn from this project for our future efforts.